May be you are overly frustrated to see yourself rarely passing your body goals after 2 months of intensive workout or you might be preparing for your sudden beach trip. Whatever be your reason, all you want is to get back in your slimmer self for some flaunting and great pictures.
Losing 5 k in 3 days sounds insane especially when you don’t want to compromise on your food and you already know working out would take much longer time. The lazy yet desperate side of you simply can’t deal with that right now.
So we have some awesome health drink ideas to achieve your seemingly unattainable goal and tell you how to lose 5 kilos in 3 days without diet or any work out.
- Moringa drink: Moringa leaves are a blessing from nature, they have so many health benefits that one could ever think of. They are rich in minerals, antioxidants, controls blood sugar levels, flush out toxins from body, increases metabolism which helps in burning calories quickly and anti-inflammatory in nature. Other than effectively helping in loosing those extra kilos it will also improve digestion, skin and hair health.
Make a paste of moringa leaves with water, add a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice each and mix them.
- Garlic lemon juice:Garlic is loaded with nutrition and has numerous medicinal benefits. Other than helping the immunity system, it is a detoxifier and breaks down fat cells.Take a few pods and crush them to extract at least 2 table spoons of its juice. And as we know, no weight loss drink is complete without lemon juice squeeze in a bit, add some water and there you go.
- Coriander juice:Make a paste and sieve out the juice from it. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice and mix with some water. You can also add a pinch of salt for taste.Have these drinks in empty stomach in the morning every day and let the magic happen.
The final thought on losing weight:
If you still wonder, how long it takes to actually lose weight, you can take note of your metabolism for that. It is good to acknowledge the facts about weight loss by means of your body structure. Thus, some people tend to lose weight fast, while the rest struggle to do so. Therefore, it is always recommended to stay positive in your overall weight loss journey. Promoting good habits will help you stay assured about losing weight within the time process!